2024: Lecture with Srinwanti Chakrabarti „Digital metamorphosis of the project Life In Transition„, at Conference „Routs Beyond Roots: Indian Performing Arts and Virtual Culture(s), June 2024, University College Dublin, Ireland (IE)
2023: Impression “Planting a new research field with South Indian female drummers- far away from harvesting”, Annual Meeting ICTMDÖ, Institute for Music science, 1090 Vienna (A)
2023: Guest Lecture “Reflections about field work in Kerala”, PSMO College, Tirurangadi, Kerala, South India (IN-KL)
2022: Lecture “Transcultural discussion about new methods for co-creative knowledge making” with Retnasree Iyer, VANDA (Vienna Anthropology Days), Online
2021: Lecture and Live Demonstration “Reflections about Research differences and collaborations in the Southindian Kutiyattam community” with K. Sajith Vijayan at the Panel Reading Together in a Far-Reaching Community: Applying Decolonization to Practice, Ethnomusicological reading group, ICTM Dialogues, Online
2021: Lecture “Layne Redmond´s legacy: digital handprints of female frame drummers” at International Music and Women Symposium “Women Play/Sing the Earth”, Association of Ethnomusicology, Turkey/Online (TR)
2021: Lecture “Transformations and Sustainability of the ancient Mizhavu drum Kerala´s” with K. Eswaranunni and Sajith Vijayan at the 23rd Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Musical Instruments in Co-operation with UVPA, Colombo, Sri Lanka/Online (LKA)
2020: Lecture „Contemporary challenges and digital access for female South Indian “classical” Percussionists”, Vienna Anthropology Days, online, Institute for Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Vienna, 1010 Vienna (A)
2019: Lecture for BA students “Einführung in die Ethnologie Indiens “, Institute for Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Vienna, 1010 Vienna (A)
2019: Lecture “Musical Patronage in India”, Wrocław Musicological Conference. The Culture-Making Role of Musical Patronage. Contexts – Meanings – Perspectives Wrocław, Polen (PL)
2019: Lecture and Live Demonstration with K. Sajith Vijayan “Southindian Mizhavu Percussion Instrument in Kutiyattam and Mizhavu Melam Ensembles”, Institute for Music Science 1090 Vienna and at Natya Mandir, 1010 Vienna (A)
2018: Lecture „Contemporary Types of Ritualistic Southindian Mizhavu Percussion Ensembles in Kerala”, Traditional Music and Dance in Contemporary Culture(s), International Conference Department of Ethnology and Folkloristics. Faculty of Arts, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra (SK)
2018: Lecture „Das Musikverbot zur Zeit der Taliban und Aspekte dessen Auswirkung bis ins gegenwärtige Afghanistan“, Conference of the Commission for Research of Folk Music Cultures, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Volkskunde e.V., Center for World Music, Hildesheim (D)
2018: Lecture and Live Demonstration „Drumming Women “, Kasumama Africa Festival, Harbach (A) 2018: Lecture „Eine andere Art der Wissensvermittlung durch die sakrale Mizhavu – dem Perkussionsinstrument und Brahmacari – im Kutiyattam Keralas“, at the conference of the Austrian National Committee of the International Council for Traditional Music, MDW, University for Music and Performing Art, 1030 Vienna (A)
2018: Lecture “Drumming Women“at international Congress „Creative Bodies-Creative Minds“, SOWI Institute, University Graz (A)
2017: Lecture„Notation und Praxis der karnatischen Rhythmik Südindiens“ CH-EM Conference, University Bern (CH)
2017: Lecture „Wege musikalischer Expressionen der afghanischen Diaspora Communities in Österreich“, Panel „Musik und Flucht“ , at Society for Music Research, University Kassel (D)
2017: Lecture and Live Concert „Indische Tablas – afghanische Musik in experimenteller Fusion“with Wahid Kamran, Anwar Farid, Edith Lettner und Ursula Schwarz, in „Ethnomusicology in Concert“, University of Music and Performing Art, 1030 Vienna (A)
2016: Lecture „Autoritätsverlagerungen am Beispiel südindischer Mizhavu Perkussionisten am Kerala Kalamandalam“ at Musicethnological Colloquium University Luzern and ICTM-Nationalcommittees Germany, Austria and Swisse. University Luzern (CH)
2016: Lecture and Live Demonstration „Klang und Trance“at Felicitas-Goodman-Institute, 1090 Vienna (A)
2016: Lecture and Live Demonstration „Musikalische Expressionen der afghanischen Diaspora: Die Musik der Hazaras“with Yaseen Mohammadi und Ali Rahimi at Institutes Colloquium „Diskurse und Repräsentationen“ at Institute for European Ethnology, 1010 Vienna (A)
2016: Lecture and Live Demonstration „Intercultural Music Lessons with refugees “, Institute for Musicology of the Research Centre for the Humanities at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest (H)
2016: Lecture „Forschungsmethoden zur Dissertation Percussion Art Forms“at the Lecture „Einführung in Theorien und Methoden der Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie“ by Dr. Kment, University of Vienna, 1010 Vienna (A)
2015: Lecture „Musikalische Aspekte der afrikanischen Diaspora Trinidads“ at Kasumama Afrika Festivals, 3970 Harbach (A)
2015: Lecture „Wege musikalischer Relokation für AsylwerberInnen im Dialog mit regionalen Initiativen der Volkskultur und der Weltmusik“, Summer Academy of the Austrian Folksong Association, 4810 Gmunden (A)
2014: Lecture “Percussion Art Forms” and Workshop Coordinator: „Music Research in the Social and Cultural Anthropology“, Vienna Anthropology Days, 1010 Vienna (A)
2013: Lectures on South Indian rhythm in the context of intercultural dialogue, Lalish Theatre Laboratory, 1180 Vienna, and as part of the 50th anniversary of the Austro-Indian society at Schallaburg, 3382 Schallaburg (A)
2013: Talk „Percussion Art Forms“ under the Research Seminar in Systematic Musicology by Dr. Parncutt, Arts Graz, 8010 Graz (A)
2012: Lecture „Tala and drumming in the southern Indian Kutiyattam theater“ at the Art University Graz, 8010 Graz (A)
2011: Lecture „Kutiyattam of Kerala“ in the context of India Barcamp in HUB,1070 Vienna (A)
2008: Lecture „Women are always second. Music and Gender in Kerala“, Cultural and Social Anthropology days’ Workshop by Lucia Mennel, University of Vienna (A)
2007: Lecture „South Indian percussion Mizhavu – main instrument of the performing art forms Kutiyattam and Koothu“ with K. Vijayan Sajith (Live demonstration Mizhavu drum). Department of Musicology, 1090 Vienna (A)
2007: Multimedia Lecture „South Indian Music and Performing Art“ with K. Vijayan Sajith (Live demonstration Mizhavu drum), Weltladen Tulln (A)
2007: Multimedia Lecture „Kutiyattam“ – by UNESCO excellent Sanskrit theatre of Kerala with K. Vijayan Sajith (Live demonstration Mizhavu drum), Culture House S. Andrae (A)
2007: Lecture „Ceremonial Drums Trinidad“ as a guest lecturer of VL by Dr. Patric Kment. University, 1010 Vienna (A)
2006: Lecture and exercise „Intercultural rhythm animation“ – teacher training PI Stmk (A)
2005: Lecture „Trance and drums“ in the context of the feast day of the time spirits. Access stone, NOE (A)
2005: Lecture „Introduction to Shamanism“ in the Catholic Women’s Round, 3423 St.Andrä Woerdern (A)
2004: Paper presented at the „intercultural dialogue“ of the Lalish Theaterlabor about „drums and mystical experience“,1180 Vienna (A)
2004: Lecture „Shacti shakes Shac Shacs for Shango“ at the University of Tübingen (D) in the context of a symposium Ethnological Revitalizing a ritual, publication of the paper in the associated reader, Tübingen (D)
2003: Lecture with Thomas Hiller „percussion around the world“, drum school Halbgasse 7, 1070 Vienna (A)
2001: Lecture at the U.W.I. St. Augustine on the field research on „Hindu Gods in the Orisha religion“, Trinidad (TTO)